Iramoo Community Centre

Adult Groups

Adult groups at Iramoo Community Centre.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

Wyndham Chronic Pain and Depression support group. Meet fortnightly Wednesdays 10am – 12pm. For support, friendship, social and creative activities.

Craftees Group

Bring your own craft project to the Craftees Group each Wednesday. This can be a great way to renew your interest in patchwork, knitting and other crafts or even to share your expertise with others. Either way, this weekly group is open to new members, and it is a great way to make new friends.

Wednesdays 12noon – 3pm

Bring your lunch (optional).

Knit, Crochet & Chat

Bring in your current craft project to work on and join this friendly group. Learn new techniques or share your expertise with others. This weekly group is open to new members, and it is a great way to make new friends.

Friday 10am – 12noon

Morning Melodies

Monthly on a Monday 10.30am – 11.30am

Call 8742 3688 for our next session date. Cost $5.

Senior Craft

1st Monday of the month 10.30am – 11.30am


Call 8742 3688 to book in.

AA Friday Night Wyndham Vale

Friday nights 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Contact Susanna on 0411 146 412.

Australian Youth Community Centre

Fridays 1pm – 2pm

Enquires Nasser 0425 544 600.